Bloody Marys


The Bloody Mary is no joke in Milwaukee. A limp stick of celery as a garnish? Not here. This iconic brunch beverage is turned up to 11 at Milwaukee eateries, topped with everything from mini-burgers to bacon, lobster claws to sushi rolls, and everything in between. What really gives a Bloody some Milwaukee flair isn’t what’s in it – it’s what’s on top – and what’s served next to it as a chaser. Every bartender has her own variation on the classic Bloody Mary, including at these fine establishments.


Food & Drink Events in Milwaukee

Black Wine Producers Feb 16

Black Wine Producers

📅 February 16 | 2 PM | Radio Milwaukee Celebrate Black History Month with us at Black Wine Producers, where we’ll highlight exceptional wines crafted by Black winemakers and producers…

Distillery Tour Feb 16

Distillery Tour

● We offer both Private and Public tours at Great Lakes Distillery. The public tours operate Monday through Thursday at 2pm and 4pm, Fridays at 2pm, 4pm, and 6pm, Saturdays at 1pm, 2pm…

Milwaukee Bloody Mary Brunch Tour Feb 16

Milwaukee Bloody Mary Brunch Tour

Join us for a Sunday morning brunch-time extravaganza. Explore Milwaukee’s bloody-good brunch scene via The Hop, Milwaukee’s new streetcar. Start your tour in the Historic Third Ward…

Valentine's Day at Explorium Greendale Feb 16

Valentine's Day at Explorium Greendale

🍫❤️Valentine's Weekend Sweet Treats at Explorium! Join us at Explorium for a weekend full of love, warmth, and delicious delights! From Friday, February 14, through Sunday, February 16…